2018-04-02 23:33:25 +02:00

350 lines
13 KiB

## List of plugins
#### [Colorschemes](#colorschemes-1)
#### [By topic](#by-topic-1)
- [Alignment](#alignment)
- [Building and linting](#building-and-linting)
- [Code completion](#code-completion)
- [Commenters](#commenters)
- [Cycle](#cycle)
- [Delimiter](#delimiter)
- [Fuzzy finders](#fuzzy-finders)
- [Grep tools](#grep-tools)
- [Indent](#indent)
- [Misc](#misc)
- [Navigation](#navigation)
- [Plugin managers](#plugin-managers)
- [Snippets](#snippets)
- [Statusline](#statusline)
- [Surround](#surround)
- [Taking notes](#taking-notes)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Text objects](#text-objects)
- [Tmux](#tmux)
- [Undo history](#undo-history)
- [Version control](#version-control)
- [Writing](#writing)
#### [By filetype](#by-filetype-1)
- [C and C++](#c-and-c)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
- [Elixir](#elixir)
- [Go](#go)
- [HTML](#html)
- [Java](#java)
- [Javascript](#javascript)
- [Lua](#lua)
- [PHP](#php)
- [Python](#python)
- [TeX](#tex)
- [VimL](#viml)
## Colorschemes
Here's a list of commonly used colorschemes:
- [acme-colors](
- [apprentice](
- [base16](
- [gotham](
- [gruvbox](
- [janah](
- [jellybeans](
- [lucius](
- [molokai](
- [nofrils](
- [oceanic-next](
- [paramount](
- [railscasts](
- [seoul256](
- [solarized]( (or [solarized8]( or [flattened](
- [tomorrow](
- [vividchalk](
- [yowish](
- [zenburn](
Alternatively, generate your own colorscheme using [themer](
or [Colortemplate](
## By topic
#### Alignment
- [tabular](
- [vim-easy-align](
- [vim-lion](
#### Building and linting
- [ale](
- [neomake](
- [syntastic](
#### Code completion
- [asyncomplete.vim](
- [completor.vim](
- [deoplete.nvim](
- [neocomplete.vim](
- [nvim-completion-manager](
- [supertab](
- [vim-mucomplete](
- [VimCompletesMe](
- [YouCompleteMe](
#### Cycle
- [switch.vim](
- [vim-speeddating](
#### Commenters
- [nerdcommenter](
- [tcomment_vim](
- [vim-commentary](
#### Delimiter
- [auto-pairs](
- [delimitMate](
- [vim-endwise](
#### Fuzzy finders
- [Command-T]( (_requires +ruby_)
- [ctrlp.vim](
- [denite.nvim]( (_requires +python3_)
- [fzf]( (and [fzf.vim](
- [unite.vim](
- [vim-fz](
#### Grep tools
- [ctrlsf.vim](
- [ferret](
- [vim-grepper](
#### Indent
- [indentLine](
- [vim-indent-guides](
#### Navigation
- [nerdtree](
- [tagbar](
- [vim-dirvish](
- [vim-easymotion](
- [vim-sneak](
- [vim-vinegar](
- [vimfiler.vim]( (_depends on other plugins_)
Also see [fuzzy finders](#fuzzy-finders).
#### Plugin managers
- [apt-vim](
- [dein.vim](
- [minpac](
- [vim-addon-manager](
- [vim-pathogen](
- [vim-plug](
- [vundle.vim](
#### Snippets
- [neosnippet.vim]( (_depends on other plugins_)
- [ultisnips](
- [vim-snipmate]( (_depends on other plugins_)
- [xptemplate](
#### Statusline
- [lightline.vim](
- [powerline](
- [vim-airline](
- [vim-flagship](
#### Surround
- [vim-operator-surround](
- [vim-sandwich](
- [vim-surround](
#### Taking notes
- [vim-dotoo](
- [vim-journal](
- [vim-notes](
- [vim-orgmode](
- [vim-pad](
- [vimwiki](
#### Testing
- [vim-test](
#### Text objects
- [targets.vim](
- [vim-exchange](
- [vim-indent-object](
- [vim-matchup](
- [vim-textobj-user](
#### Tmux
- [tmux-complete.vim](
- [vim-dispatch](
- [vim-tmux-navigator](
- [vitality.vim](
#### Undo history
- [gundo.vim](
- [undotree](
#### Version control
- [agit.vim](
- [committia.vim](
- [gist-vim](
- [github-issues.vim](
- [gitv](
- [gv.vim](
- [nerdtree-git-plugin](
- [vim-auto-programming](
- [vim-fugitive](
- [vim-gitgutter](
- [vim-github-dashboard](
- [vim-lawrencium](
- [vim-signify](
- [vimagit](
#### Writing
- [vim-grammarous](
- [vim-online-thesaurus](
#### Misc
- [calendar.vim](
- [CoVim](
- [FastFold](
- [goyo.vim](
- [is.vim](
- [NrrwRgn](
- [sideways.vim](
- [splitjoin.vim](
- [unicode.vim](
- [vim-abolish](
- [vim-bracketed-paste](
- [vim-devicons](
- [vim-diff-enhanced](
- [vim-diminactive](
- [vim-fixkey](
- [vim-gnupg](
- [vim-gutentags](
- [vim-hackernews](
- [vim-move](
- [vim-multiple-cursors](
- [vim-projectionist](
- [vim-qf](
- [vim-rsi](
- [vim-sleuth](
- [vim-startify](
- [vim-unimpaired](
## By filetype
#### C and C++
- [a.vim](
- [clang_complete](
- [color_coded](
- [lh-cpp](
- [vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight](
#### Clojure
- [paredit](
- [rainbow_parentheses.vim](
- [vim-clojure-highlight](
- [vim-fireplace](
- [vim-salve](
- [vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people](
- [vim-sexp](
#### Elixir
- [alchemist.vim](
- [vim-elixir](
- [vim-mix-format](
#### Go
- [gofmt.vim](
- [hl-goimport.vim](
- [vim-go](
- [vim-godebug](
#### HTML
- [emmet-vim](
- [html5.vim](
#### Java
- [vim-javacomplete2](
#### Javascript
- [](
- [javascript-libraries-syntax.vim](
- [node-vim-debugger](
- [tern_for_vim](
- [vim-esformatter](
- [vim-flow](
- [vim-javascript-syntax](
- [vim-javascript](
- [vim-node](
- [vim-prettier](
- [yajs.vim](
#### Lua
- [vim-lua-ftplugin](
- [vim-lua-inspect](
#### PHP
- [php.vim](
- [vim-php-cs-fixer](
- [vim-php-namespace](
- [vim-php-refactoring-toolbox](
#### Python
- [braceless.vim](
- [impsort.vim](
- [jedi-vim](
- [python-mode](
- [SimpylFold](
- [vim-flake8](
#### TeX
- [vimtex](
#### VimL
- [exception.vim](
- [helpful.vim](
- [vader.vim](
- [vim-lookup](
- [vim-scriptease](
- [vim-themis](