commit be766a181d824ff127158069d0e8e8d320e79bcd Author: lab Date: Mon Sep 20 00:32:52 2021 +0800 init diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8746e4d --- /dev/null +++ b/.vimrc @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +" vimrc + +"set autochdir +set autoindent +set autoread +set backspace=indent,eol,start +set cursorline +set encoding=utf-8 +set expandtab +set fileencoding=utf-8 +set nocompatible +"set number +set relativenumber +set ignorecase +set incsearch +set hlsearch +set history=1000 +set ruler +set showcmd +set showmode +set showmatch +set shiftwidth=4 +set softtabstop=4 +set smartindent +set tabstop=4 +set wildmenu +set wildmode=longest:list,full +set colorcolumn=81 + +syntax on +syntax enable + +filetype plugin indent on + +colorscheme molokai + +"" leader key +let mapleader = "," + +"" change to directory of current file +nnoremap cd :cd %:p:h:pwd + +" inoremap +inoremap { {}O +inoremap [ []i +inoremap ( ()i +inoremap " ""i +inoremap ' ''i +inoremap ` ``i +inoremap jj + +"" create nested non-exsiting paths +cnoremap mk. !mkdir -p =expand("%:h")/ + +"" colo molokai +let g:molokai_original = 1 +let g:rehash256 = 1 + +" vim-go 插件 +"============================================================================== +let g:go_fmt_command = "goimports" " 格式化将默认的 gofmt 替换 +let g:go_autodetect_gopath = 1 +let g:go_list_type = "quickfix" + +let g:go_version_warning = 1 + +let g:go_highlight_methods = 1 +let g:go_highlight_generate_tags = 1 +let g:go_highlight_fields = 1 +let g:go_highlight_format_strings = 1 +let g:go_highlight_functions = 1 +let g:go_highlight_function_arguments = 1 +let g:go_highlight_function_calls = 1 +let g:go_highlight_operators = 1 +let g:go_highlight_types = 1 +let g:go_highlight_extra_types = 1 +let g:go_highlight_variable_assignments = 1 +let g:go_highlight_variable_declarations = 1 + +let g:godef_split=2 + +let g:netrw_sort_by = 'time' +let g:netrw_sort_direction = 'reverse' +let g:netrw_browse_split = 1 +" thin/long/wide/tree +let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 +let g:netrw_banner = 0 +let g:netrw_altv = 1 +let g:netrw_winsize = 25 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bea9c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# vim config + +```shell +if [ -f "${HOME}/.vimrc" ]; then + echo "vimrc exists" + mv ${HOME}/.vimrc ${HOME}/.vimrc.bak +fi +cp .vimrc ${HOME}/ +mkdir -p ${HOME}/.vim/colors + +git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go +git clone ~/.vim/pack/dist/start/nerdtree +git clone ~/.vim/pack/dist/start/vim-airline +git clone ~/.vim/pack/dist/start/vim-fugitive +curl -o ${HOME}/.vim/colors/molokai.vim + +``` + +### Plugins + + +- vim-go +- nerdtree +- vim-airline +- vim-fugitive +- curl -o ${HOME}/.vim/colors/molokai.vim + +### Colors +- molokai +- sublime-monokai diff --git a/colors/sublimemonokai.vim b/colors/sublimemonokai.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b592bb --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/sublimemonokai.vim @@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@ +" File: monokai.vim +" Maintainer: Erich Gubler (erichdongubler) +" URL: +" License: MIT + +" Initialisation + +if !has('gui_running') && &t_Co < 256 + finish +endif + +if !exists('g:sublimemonokai_gui_italic') + let g:sublimemonokai_gui_italic = 1 +endif + +if !exists('g:sublimemonokai_term_italic') + let g:sublimemonokai_term_italic = 0 +endif + +let g:sublimemonokai_termcolors = 256 " does not support 16 color term right now. + +set background=dark +hi clear + +if exists('syntax_on') + syntax reset +endif + +let colors_name = 'sublimemonokai' + +fun! s:h(group, style) + let s:ctermformat = 'NONE' + let s:guiformat = 'NONE' + if has_key(a:style, 'format') + let s:ctermformat = a:style.format + let s:guiformat = a:style.format + endif + if g:sublimemonokai_term_italic == 0 + let s:ctermformat = substitute(s:ctermformat, ',italic', '', '') + let s:ctermformat = substitute(s:ctermformat, 'italic,', '', '') + let s:ctermformat = substitute(s:ctermformat, 'italic', '', '') + endif + if g:sublimemonokai_gui_italic == 0 + let s:guiformat = substitute(s:guiformat, ',italic', '', '') + let s:guiformat = substitute(s:guiformat, 'italic,', '', '') + let s:guiformat = substitute(s:guiformat, 'italic', '', '') + endif + if g:sublimemonokai_termcolors == 16 + let l:ctermfg = (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.cterm16 : 'NONE') + let l:ctermbg = (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? : 'NONE') + else + let l:ctermfg = (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.cterm : 'NONE') + let l:ctermbg = (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? : 'NONE') + end + execute 'highlight' a:group + \ 'guifg=' (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.gui : 'NONE') + \ 'guibg=' (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? : 'NONE') + \ 'guisp=' (has_key(a:style, 'sp') ? a:style.sp.gui : 'NONE') + \ 'gui=' (!empty(s:guiformat) ? s:guiformat : 'NONE') + \ 'ctermfg=' . l:ctermfg + \ 'ctermbg=' . l:ctermbg + \ 'cterm=' (!empty(s:ctermformat) ? s:ctermformat : 'NONE') +endfunction + +" Expose the more complicated style setting via a global function +fun! g:SublimeMonokaiHighlight(group, style) + return s:h(a:group, a:style) +endfun + +" Palette + +" Convenience function to have a convenient script variable name and an +" namespaced global variable +fun! s:create_palette_color(color_name, color_data) + exec 'let s:' . a:color_name . ' = a:color_data' + exec 'let g:sublimemonokai_' . a:color_name . ' = a:color_data' +endf + +call s:create_palette_color('brightwhite', { 'gui': '#FFFFFF', 'cterm': '231' }) +call s:create_palette_color('white', { 'gui': '#E8E8E3', 'cterm': '252' }) +call s:create_palette_color('black', { 'gui': '#272822', 'cterm': '234' }) +call s:create_palette_color('lightblack', { 'gui': '#2D2E27', 'cterm': '235' }) +call s:create_palette_color('lightblack2', { 'gui': '#383a3e', 'cterm': '236' }) +call s:create_palette_color('darkblack', { 'gui': '#211F1C', 'cterm': '233' }) +call s:create_palette_color('grey', { 'gui': '#8F908A', 'cterm': '243' }) +call s:create_palette_color('lightgrey', { 'gui': '#575b61', 'cterm': '237' }) +call s:create_palette_color('darkgrey', { 'gui': '#64645e', 'cterm': '239' }) +call s:create_palette_color('warmgrey', { 'gui': '#75715E', 'cterm': '59' }) + +call s:create_palette_color('pink', { 'gui': '#f92772', 'cterm': '197' }) +call s:create_palette_color('green', { 'gui': '#a6e22d', 'cterm': '148' }) +call s:create_palette_color('aqua', { 'gui': '#66d9ef', 'cterm': '81' }) +call s:create_palette_color('yellow', { 'gui': '#e6db74', 'cterm': '186' }) +call s:create_palette_color('darkyellow', { 'gui': '#878700', 'cterm': '100' }) +call s:create_palette_color('orange', { 'gui': '#fd9720', 'cterm': '208' }) +call s:create_palette_color('purple', { 'gui': '#ae81ff', 'cterm': '141' }) +call s:create_palette_color('red', { 'gui': '#e73c50', 'cterm': '196' }) +call s:create_palette_color('darkred', { 'gui': '#5f0000', 'cterm': '52' }) + +call s:create_palette_color('addfg', { 'gui': '#d7ffaf', 'cterm': '193' }) +call s:create_palette_color('addbg', { 'gui': '#5f875f', 'cterm': '65' }) +call s:create_palette_color('delbg', { 'gui': '#f75f5f', 'cterm': '167' }) +call s:create_palette_color('changefg', { 'gui': '#d7d7ff', 'cterm': '189' }) +call s:create_palette_color('changebg', { 'gui': '#5f5f87', 'cterm': '60' }) + +" Expose the foreground colors of the Sublime palette as a bunch of +" highlighting groups. This lets us (and users!) get tab completion for the `hi +" link` command, and use more semantic names for the colors we want to assign +" to groups + +call s:h('SublimeBrightWhite', { 'fg': s:brightwhite }) +call s:h('SublimeWhite', { 'fg': s:white }) +call s:h('SublimeBlack', { 'fg': s:black }) +call s:h('SublimeLightBlack', { 'fg': s:lightblack }) +call s:h('SublimeLightBlack2', { 'fg': s:lightblack2 }) +call s:h('SublimeDarkBlack', { 'fg': s:darkblack }) +call s:h('SublimeGrey', { 'fg': s:grey }) +call s:h('SublimeLightGrey', { 'fg': s:lightgrey }) +call s:h('SublimeDarkGrey', { 'fg': s:darkgrey }) +call s:h('SublimeWarmGrey', { 'fg': s:warmgrey }) + +call s:h('SublimePink', { 'fg': s:pink }) +call s:h('SublimeGreen', { 'fg': s:green }) +call s:h('SublimeAqua', { 'fg': s:aqua }) +call s:h('SublimeYellow', { 'fg': s:yellow }) +call s:h('SublimeOrange', { 'fg': s:orange }) +call s:h('SublimePurple', { 'fg': s:purple }) +call s:h('SublimeRed', { 'fg': s:red }) +call s:h('SublimeDarkRed', { 'fg': s:darkred }) + +" Default highlight groups (see ':help highlight-default' or + +call s:h('ColorColumn', { 'bg': s:lightblack2 }) +hi! link Conceal SublimeLightGrey +call s:h('CursorColumn', { 'bg': s:lightblack2 }) +call s:h('CursorLine', { 'bg': s:lightblack2 }) +call s:h('CursorLineNr', { 'fg': s:orange, 'bg': s:lightblack }) +call s:h('DiffAdd', { 'fg': s:addfg, 'bg': s:addbg }) +call s:h('DiffChange', { 'fg': s:changefg, 'bg': s:changebg }) +call s:h('DiffDelete', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:delbg }) +call s:h('DiffText', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:aqua }) +hi! link Directory SublimeAqua +call s:h('ErrorMsg', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:red, 'format': 'standout' }) +hi! link FoldColumn SublimeDarkBlack +call s:h('Folded', { 'fg': s:warmgrey, 'bg': s:darkblack }) +call s:h('IncSearch', { 'format': 'reverse,underline'}) +call s:h('LineNr', { 'fg': s:grey, 'bg': s:lightblack }) +call s:h('MatchParen', { 'format': 'underline' }) +hi! link ModeMsg SublimeYellow +hi! link MoreMsg SublimeYellow +hi! link NonText SublimeLightGrey +call s:h('Normal', { 'fg': s:white, 'bg': s:black }) +call s:h('Pmenu', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:white }) +call s:h('PmenuSbar', { }) +call s:h('PmenuSel', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'bg': s:black, 'format': 'reverse,bold' }) +call s:h('PmenuThumb', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:grey }) +hi! link Question SublimeYellow +call s:h('Search', { 'format': 'reverse,underline'}) +call s:h('SignColumn', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:grey }) +""hi! link SpecialKey SublimeLightBlack2 +hi! link SpecialKey SublimePurple +call s:h('SpellBad', { 'bg': s:darkred }) +call s:h('SpellCap', { 'bg': s:darkyellow }) +call s:h('SpellLocal', { 'bg': s:darkyellow }) +call s:h('SpellRare', { 'bg': s:darkyellow }) +call s:h('StatusLine', { 'fg': s:warmgrey, 'bg': s:black, 'format': 'reverse' }) +call s:h('StatusLineNC', { 'fg': s:darkgrey, 'bg': s:warmgrey, 'format': 'reverse' }) +call s:h('TabLine', { 'fg': s:white, 'bg': s:darkgrey }) +call s:h('TabLineFill', { 'fg': s:grey, 'bg': s:darkgrey }) +call s:h('TabLineSel', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:white }) +hi! link Title SublimeYellow +call s:h('VertSplit', { 'fg': s:darkgrey, 'bg': s:darkblack }) +call s:h('Visual', { 'bg': s:lightgrey }) +hi! link WarningMsg SublimeRed + +" Generic Syntax Highlighting (see reference: 'NAMING CONVENTIONS' at + +hi! link Comment SublimeWarmGrey +hi! link Constant SublimePurple +hi! link String SublimeYellow +hi! link Character SublimeYellow +hi! link Number SublimePurple +hi! link Boolean SublimePurple +hi! link Float SublimePurple +hi! link Identifier SublimeWhite +hi! link Function SublimeWhite +hi! link Type SublimeAqua +hi! link StorageClass SublimePink +hi! link Structure SublimePink +hi! link Typedef SublimeAqua +hi! link Statement SublimeWhite +hi! link Conditional SublimePink +hi! link Repeat SublimePink +hi! link Label SublimePink +hi! link Operator SublimePink +hi! link Keyword SublimePink +hi! link Exception SublimePink +call s:h('CommentURL', { 'fg': s:grey, 'format': 'italic' }) + +hi! link PreProc SublimeGreen +hi! link Include SublimeWhite +hi! link Define SublimePink +hi! link Macro SublimeGreen +hi! link PreCondit SublimeWhite +hi! link Special SublimePurple +hi! link SpecialChar SublimePink +hi! link Tag SublimeGreen +hi! link Delimiter SublimePink +hi! link SpecialComment SublimeAqua +" call s:h('Debug' {}) +call s:h('Underlined', { 'format': 'underline' }) +" call s:h('Ignore', {}) +call s:h('Error', { 'fg': s:red, 'bg': s:darkred }) +hi! link Todo Comment + +" Some highlighting groups custom to the Sublime Monokai theme + +call s:h('SublimeType', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) +call s:h('SublimeContextParam', { 'fg': s:orange, 'format': 'italic' }) +hi! link SublimeDocumentation SublimeGrey +hi! link SublimeFunctionCall SublimeAqua +hi! link SublimeUserAttribute SublimeGrey + +" Bash/POSIX shell + +hi! link shConditional Conditional +hi! link shDerefOff Normal +hi! link shDerefSimple SublimeAqua +hi! link shDerefVar SublimeAqua +hi! link shFunctionKey SublimePink +hi! link shLoop Keyword +hi! link shQuote String +hi! link shSet Keyword +hi! link shStatement SublimePink +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * Can't highlight POSIX builtins right because shStatement is later in the +" highlight stack +" * Can't override shOption to be "normal" because it could be within a string +" or substitution. It looks okay anyway. :) +" * shCommandSub can't be override for a similar reason to shOption +" * Boolean operators and subsequent commands don't have the right +" highlighting + +" Batch + +hi! link dosbatchImplicit Keyword +hi! link dosbatchLabel Normal +" FIXME: This should have its own group, like SublimeEscapedSequence +hi! link dosbatchSpecialChar SublimePurple +hi! link dosbatchSwitch Normal +" FIXME: Variables don't have their own highlighting in Sublime +" hi! link dosbatchVariable SublimeAqua +" XXX: string highlight is used for echo commands, but Sublime doesn't +" highlight at all +" XXX: Sublime sets everything to the right of an assignment to be a string +" color, but Vim doesn't + +" XXX: Create an extra flag for "nice" stuff +" hi! link dosbatchLabel Tag +" hi! link dosbatchStatement Keyword +" hi! link dosbatchSwitch SublimePurple +" hi! link dosbatchVariable SublimeAqua + +" C + +hi! link cAnsiFunction SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link cDefine SublimeGreen +hi! link cFormat Special +hi! link cInclude SublimePink +hi! link cLabel SublimePink +hi! link cSpecial Special +hi! link cSpecialCharacter Special +hi! link cStatement Keyword +hi! link cStorageClass SublimePink +hi! link cStructure SublimeType +hi! link cType SublimeType +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * There's no way to distinguish between function calls and +" definitions/declarations. :( If you prefer both to be colored, then you +" can use `hi! link cCustom `. + +" CMake + +hi! link cmakeCommand SublimeAqua +hi! link cmakeKWfind_package SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWproject SublimeContextParam +" XXX: Variation: I actually really like making this aqua. +hi! link cmakeVariableValue Normal + +" pboettch/vim-cmake-syntax plugin +hi! link cmakeBracketArgument SublimeAqua +hi! link cmakeKWExternalProject SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWExternalProject SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_command SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_command SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_target SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_target SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_definitions SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_definitions SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_dependencies SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_dependencies SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_executable SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_executable SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_library SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_library SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_link_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_link_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_subdirectory SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_subdirectory SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_test SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWadd_test SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWbuild_command SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWbuild_command SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_host_system_information SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_host_system_information SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_minimum_required SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_minimum_required SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_parse_arguments SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_parse_arguments SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_policy SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcmake_policy SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file_constants SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file_constants SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcreate_test_sourcelist SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWcreate_test_sourcelist SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_build SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_build SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_configure SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_configure SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_coverage SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_coverage SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_memcheck SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_memcheck SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_run_script SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_run_script SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_start SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_start SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_submit SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_submit SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_test SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_test SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_update SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_update SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_upload SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWctest_upload SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWdefine_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWdefine_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWenable_language SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWenable_language SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWenable_testing SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWenable_testing SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexec_program SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexec_program SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexecute_process SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexecute_process SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexport SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexport SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexport_library_dependencies SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWexport_library_dependencies SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfile SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfile SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_library SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_library SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_package SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_package SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_path SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_path SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_program SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfind_program SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfltk_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfltk_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWforeach SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWforeach SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfunction SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWfunction SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_cmake_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_cmake_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_directory_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_directory_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_filename_component SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_filename_component SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_source_file_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_source_file_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_target_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_target_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_test_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWget_test_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWif SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWif SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude_external_msproject SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude_external_msproject SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude_guard SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinclude_guard SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall_files SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall_files SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall_programs SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall_programs SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall_targets SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWinstall_targets SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWlink_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWlink_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWlist SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWlist SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWload_cache SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWload_cache SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWload_command SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWload_command SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmacro SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmacro SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmark_as_advanced SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmark_as_advanced SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmath SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmath SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmessage SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWmessage SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWoption SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWoption SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWproject SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWproject SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_cpp SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_cpp SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWremove SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWremove SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWseparate_arguments SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWseparate_arguments SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_directory_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_directory_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_property SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_source_files_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_source_files_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_target_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_target_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_target_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_tests_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWset_tests_properties SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWsource_group SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWsource_group SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWstring SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWstring SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWsubdirs SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWsubdirs SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_features SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_features SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_include_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_include_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_directories SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_libraries SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_libraries SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_options SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_sources SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtarget_sources SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtry_compile SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtry_compile SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtry_run SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWtry_run SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWunset SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWunset SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWuse_mangled_mesa SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWuse_mangled_mesa SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWvariable_requires SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWvariable_requires SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWvariable_watch SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWvariable_watch SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWwrite_basic_package_version_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWwrite_basic_package_version_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWwrite_basic_package_version_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWwrite_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeKWwrite_file SublimeContextParam +hi! link cmakeProperty SublimeContextParam + +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" * Some special args like `IMPORTED_TARGET` aren't recognized in Vim, but +" Sublime's `CMake` package recognizes them. + +" CSS + +hi! link cssAttr SublimeAqua +hi! link cssAttributeSelector Tag +" XXX: Not sure about this one; it has issues with the following: +" - calc +" - colors +hi! link cssAttrRegion Normal +hi! link cssBraces Normal +hi! link cssClassName Tag +hi! link cssColor Constant +hi! link cssFunctionName SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link cssIdentifier Tag +hi! link cssPositioningAttr SublimeAqua +hi! link cssProp SublimeAqua +" XXX: Variation: might be better as pink, actually +hi! link cssPseudoClassId Normal +hi! link cssSelectorOp Normal +hi! link cssStyle cssAttr +hi! link cssTagName Keyword +" TODO: Find a way to distinguish unit decorators from color hash +hi! link cssUnitDecorators SpecialChar +hi! link cssURL String +hi! link cssValueLength Constant + +" C++ + +" XXX: This is imperfect, as this highlights the expression for the `#if`s +" too. +hi! link cCppOutWrapper Keyword +hi! link cppStatement Keyword +" XXX: This is too inclusive of the `namespace` keyword +hi! link cppStructure SublimeType +hi! link cppSTLException SublimeType +hi! link cppSTLfunction SublimeFunctionCall +" XXX: There may be no special highlighting here in Sublime itself +hi! link cppSTLios SublimeAqua +" XXX: There may be no special highlighting here in Sublime itself +hi! link cppSTLnamespace SublimePurple +hi! link cppType SublimeType +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * There's no way to distinguish between function calls and +" definitions/declarations. :( If you prefer both to be colored, then you +" can use `hi! link cCustom `. + +" C# + +hi! link csClass SublimeType +hi! link csContextualStatement Keyword +hi! link csIface SublimeType +hi! link csMethodTag SublimeType +hi! link csPreCondit Keyword +hi! link csTypeDecleration SublimeType +hi! link csType SublimeType +hi! link csUnspecifiedStatement Keyword +hi! link csXmlTag xmlTagName +hi! link csXmlComment SublimeDocumentation +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * Need some local links for XML getting set to the right color +" * Operators aren't red in Vim, but are in Sublime. +" * Function arguments aren't distinguished with their own highlight group +" * `namespace` is a type in Sublime's highlighting, but is a `csStorage` in +" Vim +" * No function call groups exist in Vim. +" * Region highlighting has no way to distinguish between region +" preprocess keyword and region name. + +" D + +hi! link dExternal Keyword + +" `diff` patch files + +hi! link diffAdded SublimeGreen +hi! link diffFile SublimeWarmGrey +hi! link diffIndexLine SublimeWarmGrey +hi! link diffLine SublimeWarmGrey +hi! link diffRemoved SublimePink +hi! link diffSubname SublimeWarmGrey + +" eRuby + +" call s:h('erubyDelimiter', {}) +hi! link erubyRailsMethod SublimeAqua + +" Git + +hi! link gitrebaseCommit Comment +hi! link gitrebaseDrop Error +hi! link gitrebaseEdit Keyword +hi! link gitrebaseExec Keyword +hi! link gitrebaseFixup Keyword +" FIXME: Make this cooler in extensions! +hi! link gitrebaseHash Comment +hi! link gitrebasePick Keyword +hi! link gitrebaseReword Keyword +hi! link gitrebaseSquash Keyword +hi! link gitrebaseSummary String +" XXX: Note that highlighting inside the always-present help from Git in +" comments is not available in vim's current highlighting version. +" Variation: it's actually kinda nice to give each of these different colors +" like vanilla Vim does. + +" vim-gitgutter + +hi! link GitGutterAdd SublimeGreen +hi! link GitGutterChange SublimeYellow +hi! link GitGutterDelete SublimePink +hi! link GitGutterChangeDelete SublimeOrange + +" GraphViz +" Variation: I actually like to keep these as Keyword, but Sublime does this +" differently. +hi! link dotBraceEncl Normal +hi! link dotBrackEncl Normal +" XXX: This colors way more stuff than Sublime does, but otherwise we'd miss +" out on operator highlights like with equals signs in attribute value +" definitions. +hi! link dotKeyChar Keyword +hi! link dotKeyword SublimeType +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * `graph` keyword isn't correctly classified into a keyword, Sublime does. +" This can be fixed with `syn keyword dotKeyword graph`. +" * Neither Sublime nor Vim highlight `--` in undirected graphs. +" * Sublime doesn't treat semicolons as a keyword here, Vim does. +" * Vim doesn't distinctly identify declarations like `digraph *blah* { ... }`. +" * Vim doesn't have a group for escape chars (i.e., for `label` values). + +" Go + +hi! link goArgumentName SublimeContextParam +hi! link goDeclType SublimeType +hi! link goDeclaration SublimeType +hi! link goField Identifier +hi! link goFunction Tag +hi! link goFunctionCall SublimeFunctionCall +" Variation: It's not a bad idea to highlight these separately. Maybe using +" `PreProc` and `Special` like in vanilla `vim-go` upstream isn't a bad idea. +hi! link goGenerate Comment +hi! link goGenerateVariables Comment +" Variation: It's nice to have builtins highlighted specially, though Sublime +" doesn't do this. I would use `Special` here. +hi! link goExtraType Identifier +hi! link goImport Keyword +hi! link goPackage Keyword +hi! link goReceiverVar SublimeContextParam +hi! link goStatement Keyword +hi! link goType SublimeType +" Variation: I like this better as `SublimeType`, since it has symmetry with +" `goType`. +hi! link goTypeConstructor Identifier +hi! link goTypeDecl SublimeType +hi! link goTypeName Tag +hi! link goVarAssign Normal +hi! link goVarDefs Normal + +" HTML +" This partially depends on XML -- make sure that groups in XML don't +" adversely affect this! + +" XXX: This doesn't exclude things like colons like Sublime does +" FIXME: For some reason this is excluding a "key" attribute +hi! link htmlArg Tag +" Variation: This is an interesting idea for +hi! link htmlLink Normal +hi! link htmlSpecialTagName htmlTagName +hi! link htmlSpecialChar Special +hi! link htmlTagName Keyword + +" Java + +" Common groups +hi! link javaAnnotation SublimeAqua +hi! link javaAssert SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link javaClassDecl SublimeType +hi! link javaConditional Keyword +hi! link javaExceptions Keyword +hi! link javaExternal Keyword +hi! link javaRepeat Keyword +hi! link javaSpecialChar Special +hi! link javaStatement Keyword +hi! link javaType SublimeType +hi! link javaTypedef SublimeContextParam +hi! link javaUserLabel Normal +hi! link javaUserLabelRef Normal +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * There's currently no highlight group for user-defined type names. Weird. +" * `javaClassDecl`, which is the stuff that can go around a class name in a +" class declaration, doesn't distinguish like Sublime does between the `class` +" keyword and the `extends`/`implements` keywords. +" * There's a LOT of operators that don't have a good group. :( +" * No nice highlight groups exist for lambdas yet. Mainline `vim` has one, +" but it highlights the entire span of the lambda. + + +" Mainline vim distro + +" Variation: I actually like keeping this a separate color -- it's kind of +" nice. +" XXX: Sublime distinguishes between @param names and other tags, but this +" doesn't. +hi! link javaCommentTitle SublimeDocumentation +hi! link javaDocParam SublimeAqua +hi! link javaDocTags Keyword +hi! link javaFuncDef Tag +hi! link javaC_JavaLang SublimeType +hi! link javaE_JavaLang SublimeType +hi! link javaR_JavaLang SublimeType +hi! link javaX_JavaLang SublimeType +hi! link javaVarArg Keyword +" XXX: Other known deficiencies (mainline vim): +" +" * javaFuncDef is way too inclusive -- even the args and its parens are +" highlighted! +" * java*_JavaLang isn't really up-to-date. + +" vim-java + +hi! link javaDeclType SublimeType +" XXX: Currently unable to distinguish function calls from function definitions. +hi! link javaFunction SublimeAqua +hi! link javaMapType SublimeType +" XXX: This isn't a builtin...don't other languages use italics for types? +hi! link javaNonPrimitiveType SublimeType + +call s:h('jpropertiesIdentifier', { 'fg': s:pink }) + +" JavaScript + +hi! link jsArgsObj SublimeAqua +hi! link jsArrowFunction SublimePink +hi! link jsBuiltins SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link jsCatch Keyword +hi! link jsConditional Keyword +call s:h('jsDocTags', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) +hi! link jsException Keyword +" Variation: It's actually nice to get this italicized, to me +hi! link jsExceptions Type +hi! link jsExport Keyword +hi! link jsFinally Keyword +hi! link jsFrom Keyword +call s:h('jsFuncArgRest', { 'fg': s:purple, 'format': 'italic' }) +hi! link jsFuncArgs SublimeContextParam +hi! link jsFuncCall SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link jsFuncName Tag +hi! link jsFunction SublimeType +hi! link jsFunctionKey Tag +" FIXME: FutureKeys includes a bit too much. It had some type names, which should be aqua, but most of the keywords that might actually get used would be pink (keywords like public, abstract). +hi! link jsFutureKeys Keyword +call s:h('jsGlobalObjects', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) +hi! link jsImport Keyword +hi! link jsModuleAs Keyword +hi! link jsModuleAsterisk Keyword +hi! link jsNan Constant +hi! link jsNull Constant +hi! link jsObjectFuncName Tag +hi! link jsPrototype SublimeAqua +" Variation: Technically this is extra from Sublime, but it looks nice. +hi! link jsRepeat Keyword +hi! link jsReturn Keyword +hi! link jsStatement Keyword +hi! link jsStatic jsStorageClass +hi! link jsStorageClass SublimeType +hi! link jsSuper SublimeContextParam +hi! link jsThis SublimeContextParam +hi! link jsTry Keyword +hi! link jsUndefined Constant + +" JSON + +hi! link jsonKeyword Identifier + +" LESS + +hi! link lessVariable Tag + +" Makefile + +hi! link makeCommands Normal +hi! link makeCmdNextLine Normal + +" NERDTree + +hi! link NERDTreeBookmarkName SublimeYellow +hi! link NERDTreeBookmarksHeader SublimePink +hi! link NERDTreeBookmarksLeader SublimeBlack +hi! link NERDTreeCWD SublimePink +hi! link NERDTreeClosable SublimeYellow +hi! link NERDTreeDir SublimeYellow +hi! link NERDTreeDirSlash SublimeGrey +hi! link NERDTreeFlags SublimeDarkGrey +hi! link NERDTreeHelp SublimeYellow +hi! link NERDTreeOpenable SublimeYellow +hi! link NERDTreeUp SublimeWhite + +" NERDTree Git + +hi! link NERDTreeGitStatusModified SublimeOrange +hi! link NERDTreeGitStatusRenamed SublimeOrange +hi! link NERDTreeGitStatusUntracked SublimeGreen + +" PHP + +" Variation: It's actually a cool idea to style these to assist reading. +hi! link phpClass Tag +call s:h('phpClassExtends', { 'fg': s:green, 'format': 'italic' }) +hi! link phpComment Comment +hi! link phpCommentStar SublimeDocumentation +hi! link phpCommentTitle SublimeDocumentation +hi! link phpDocComment SublimeDocumentation +hi! link phpDocIdentifier SublimeDocumentation +hi! link phpDocParam SublimeDocumentation +hi! link phpDocTags Keyword +" Variation: It'd be nice to make these a different color, but there's SO MANY +" THINGS that this applies to! +hi! link phpKeyword Keyword +" Variation: I actually like linking this against `Keyword`. +hi! link phpMemberSelector Identifier +hi! link phpNullValue Special +hi! link phpParent Normal +call s:h('phpStaticClasses', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) +" Variation: I actually like linking this against `Keyword` instead. +hi! link phpVarSelector Identifier +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * Links in doc comments are highlighted aqua in Sublime, but there's no +" distinguishing right now with php.vim. +" * `phpKeyword` is used as a blanket group for several things that Sublime +" distinguishes right now. For example: +" * `echo` should be aqua +" * `function` should be a `SublimeType` +" * `return` should be a `Keyword` +" * `class` should be aqua and italic (maybe `SublimeType`?) +" +" ... but these are all listed as a `Keyword` right now. +" * Local args don't have their own highlighting group yet in `php.vim` +" * Some doctags don't get highlight like in Sublime because Sublime is +" weirdly inconsistent with them. +" * The PHP delimiter uses `Delimiter`, which was set to be pink for other +" reasons. Sublime shows them as white, though. + +" Python + +" This configuration assumed python-mode +hi! link pythonBuiltinFunc SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link pythonConditional Conditional +hi! link pythonException Keyword +hi! link pythonFunction Tag +hi! link pythonInclude Keyword +hi! link pythonLambdaExpr SublimeType +" XXX: def parens are, for some reason, included in this group. +hi! link pythonParam SublimeContextParam +" XXX: pythonStatement covers a bit too much...unfortunately, this means that +" some keywords, like `def`, can't be highlighted like in Sublime yet. +hi! link pythonStatement Keyword +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * Python special regexp sequences aren't highlighted. :\ +" * Function cals aren't highlighted like they are in Sublime. +" * Keyword args aren't highlighted at all like in Sublime. +" +" Most of the above really are just because I haven't found a syntax that +" supports these distinctions yet. + +" QuickScope plugin + +call s:h('QuickScopePrimary', { 'bg': s:lightgrey, 'fg': s:black, 'format': 'underline' }) +call s:h('QuickScopeSecondary', { 'bg': s:black, 'fg': s:lightgrey, 'format': 'underline' }) + +" Ruby + +" call s:h('rubyInterpolationDelimiter', {}) +" call s:h('rubyInstanceVariable', {}) +" call s:h('rubyGlobalVariable', {}) +" call s:h('rubyClassVariable', {}) +" call s:h('rubyPseudoVariable', {}) +hi! link rubyFunction SublimeGreen +hi! link rubyStringDelimiter SublimeYellow +hi! link rubyRegexp SublimeYellow +hi! link rubyRegexpDelimiter SublimeYellow +hi! link rubySymbol SublimePurple +hi! link rubyEscape SublimePurple +hi! link rubyInclude SublimePink +hi! link rubyOperator Operator +hi! link rubyControl SublimePink +hi! link rubyClass SublimePink +hi! link rubyDefine SublimePink +hi! link rubyException SublimePink +hi! link rubyRailsARAssociationMethod SublimeOrange +hi! link rubyRailsARMethod SublimeOrange +hi! link rubyRailsRenderMethod SublimeOrange +hi! link rubyRailsMethod SublimeOrange +hi! link rubyConstant SublimeAqua +hi! link rubyBlockArgument SublimeContextParam +hi! link rubyBlockParameter SublimeContextParam + +" Rust + +hi! link rustAttribute SublimeGrey +hi! link rustCommentLineDoc SublimeDocumentation +hi! link rustConditional Conditional +hi! link rustDerive SublimeGrey +hi! link rustDeriveTrait SublimeGrey +" Variation: I like making these Special +hi! link rustEnumVariant SublimeType +hi! link rustFuncCall SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link rustFuncName Tag +hi! link rustIdentifier Tag +" Variation: I actually like making these Special too +hi! link rustLifetime Keyword +hi! link rustMacro SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link rustModPathSep Normal +hi! link rustQuestionMark Keyword +hi! link rustRepeat Keyword +hi! link rustSelf SublimeContextParam +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * In Sublime, `fn` and `let` keywords are highlighted with italicized aqua, +" but Vim lumps them with all other keywords +" * Crate names after `extern crate` are included in `rustIdentifier`, which +" is technically more inclusive than Sublime's definition group but not so +" bad I don't think it's an okay default. +" * Sublime does NOT have the `rustEnumVariant` distinction, which is actually +" a really nice feature. +" * No `fn`/lambda param highlighting is available in Vim like in Sublime +" here. :( +" * `rust.vim` doesn't highlight typical attributes like in Sublime. Sublime +" makes this fairly nice, though I prefer to just make them look like doc +" comments. + +" SASS + +hi! link sassAmpersand Operator +hi! link sassClass Tag +hi! link sassCssAttribute SublimeAqua +hi! link sassInclude Keyword +" FIXME: No distinction between mixin definition and call +hi! link sassMixinName SublimeAqua +hi! link sassMixing Keyword +hi! link sassProperty SublimeAqua +hi! link sassSelectorOp Operator +hi! link sassVariable Identifier + +" Scala +" XXX: This highlights the arroba (`@`) of the annotation too, but Sublime +" distinguishes the arroba with pink. +hi! link scalaAnnotation SublimeAqua +hi! link scalaCapitalWord SublimeAqua +hi! link scalaCaseFollowing SublimeContextParam +hi! link scalaEscapedChar Special +hi! link scalaExternal Keyword +hi! link scalaInstanceDeclaration Tag +" XXX: This is a bit too inclusive compared to Sublime, since it also +" highlights the quotes themselves. +hi! link scalaInterpolationBrackets SublimeAqua +hi! link scalaKeywordModifier Keyword +" Variation: I actually prefer these to be `Normal`. +hi! link scalaNameDefinition Tag +" TODO: Is this too inclusive? +hi! link scalaSpecial Keyword +hi! link scalaSquareBracketsBrackets Normal +" Variation: This isn't perfect, because it encompasses brackets right now. +hi! link scalaTypeDeclaration SublimeType +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * `scalaCapitalWord` is a silly notion. That is all. +" * `scalaNumber` seems more inclusive (erroneously, from what I can tell) +" than Sublime's number highlights. +" * Function and lambda params don't have a highlight group in vanilla Vim. +" :( +" * Sublime distinguishes between groups of keywords, i.e., `case class`, from +" things like `extends`. Vim's vanilla syntax currently doesn't. +" * Sublime highlights some operators pink and others it doesn't, i.e., it +" DOES do `=` but not parents, brackets +" * Interestingly, arrow notation is highlighted differently for between case +" matches (pink) and lambdas (blue). + +" SQL + +hi! link Quote String +hi! link sqlFunction SublimeFunctionCall +hi! link sqlKeyword Keyword +hi! link sqlStatement Keyword + +" Syntastic + +hi! link SyntasticErrorSign Error +call s:h('SyntasticWarningSign', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:orange }) + +" Tagbar + +hi! link TagbarFoldIcon SublimePurple +hi! link TagbarHelp Comment +hi! link TagbarKind Keyword +hi! link TagbarNestedKind Keyword +hi! link TagbarScope Tag +hi! link TagbarSignature Comment +hi! link TagbarVisibilityPrivate SublimePink +hi! link TagbarVisibilityProtected SublimeYellow +hi! link TagbarVisibilityPublic SublimeGreen + +" TypeScript + +" Why is this `Keyword` by default? Who knows? +hi! link typescriptEndColons Normal +" XXX: This is too inclusive -- I expected this to just be the types, but it +" includes the `throw` keyword too. +hi! link typescriptExceptions SublimeType +hi! link typescriptFuncKeyword SublimeType +hi! link typescriptIdentifier SublimeContextParam +" Variation: I far prefer to let this be `Normal`... +hi! link typescriptInterpolation String +" ...and have this be `Special`. +hi! link typescriptInterpolationDelimiter String +hi! link typescriptLogicSymbols Keyword +" Why is this `Keyword` by default? Who knows? +hi! link typescriptParens Normal +" Variation: I prefer to make this `Special.`, since I use the value way more +" than `null` as a type. Sublime distinguishes, it'd be nice if we could too. +hi! link typescriptNull Special +hi! link typescriptStatement Keyword +hi! link typescriptType SublimeType + +" XXX: Other deficiencies: +" * `typescriptReserved` doesn't allow some distinctions Sublime does: +" * globs in imports +" * `Tag` for things that are definitely declarations/definitions +" * Browser context params like `console` +" * Common functions like `console.debug`; I actually don't care about +" these, but Sublime does. +" * `is` keyword + +" VimL + +hi! link vimCommand Keyword +" Variation: Interesting how this could vary... +hi! link vimCommentTitle Comment +hi! link vimEnvvar SublimeAqua +hi! link vimFBVar SublimeWhite +hi! link vimFuncName SublimeAqua +hi! link vimFuncNameTag SublimeAqua +hi! link vimFunction SublimeGreen +hi! link vimFuncVar SublimeContextParam +hi! link vimHiGroup Identifier +hi! link vimIsCommand SublimeAqua +hi! link vimMapModKey SublimeAqua +hi! link vimMapRhs SublimeYellow +hi! link vimNotation SublimeAqua +hi! link vimOption SublimeAqua +hi! link vimParenSep SublimeWhite +hi! link vimScriptFuncTag SublimePink +hi! link vimSet Keyword +hi! link vimSetEqual Operator +hi! link vimUserFunc SublimeAqua +hi! link vimVar SublimeWhite + +" XML + +hi! link xmlArg Tag +hi! link xmlAttrib Tag +" XXX: This highlight the brackets and end slash too...which we don't want. +hi! link xmlEndTag Keyword +" Variation: I actually liked it when this was faded. +hi! link xmlProcessingDelim Normal +hi! link xmlTagName Keyword + +" YAML + +hi! link yamlBlockCollectionItemStart Normal +hi! link yamlBlockMappingKey Keyword +hi! link yamlEscape Special +" Variation: I kind of like keeping these Special +hi! link yamlFlowIndicator Normal +hi! link yamlFlowMappingKey Keyword +hi! link yamlKeyValueDelimiter Normal +hi! link yamlPlainScalar String +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" A good place to see these in action is: +" * "yes"/"no" values are actually not recognized as yamlBool groups in Vim. +" * Literal/folded block scalars don't have their own group right now in Vim. +" * yamlInteger gets applied to leading numbers in literal/folded block +" scalars in Vim. +" * References aren't handled at all by Vim, it seems. +" * Vim incorrectly highlights for comments after a scalar value has started. +" +" Other noted deficiencies when using YAML to manually analyze binary files: +" +" * Hex literals as map keys are highlighted in Sublime, not in Vim. +" * Sublime is more permissive about what it highlights for keys, but Sublime +" may reject them as invalid; i.e., "???" (minus quotes) + +" zsh + +" Variation: I actually like making these aqua. +hi! link zshDeref Normal +hi! link zshFunction Tag +" XXX: This isn't awesome because it includes too much, like semicolons. :( +hi! link zshOperator Operator +" Variation: This actually looks nicer as a Special. +hi! link zshOption Normal +hi! link zshQuoted Special +" Variation: I'd probably prefer this to be something else, actually. +" XXX: This doesn't work particularly well here...but most of the time, we're +" in quotes, so let's go with that. +hi! link zshSubst String +" Variation: I actually like keeping this as Type. +hi! link zshTypes Keyword +" XXX: Other known deficiencies: +" +" * Semicolons in `if` blocks are `Keyword`ed in Sublime but not distinct in +" Vim +" * Commands aren't distinct from builtins and keywords in Vim