kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: greeting group: echo image: alpine commands: - echo hello - echo world - echo done - name: en group: echo image: alpine commands: - echo hello world - name: fr group: echo image: alpine commands: - echo bonjour monde - name: build image: golang:1.17-alpine pull: if-not-exists environment: CGO_ENABLED: 0 GOOS: linux GOARCH: amd64 commands: - env - go build -ldflags="-s -w" -tags timetzdata -o app main.go - name: publish image: plugins/docker settings: repo: esinio/helloworld username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password trigger: branch: - master event: - push --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: deploy # drone-ssh doc # steps: - name: deploy-staging # image: appleboy/drone-ssh image: alpine pull: if-not-exists settings: commands: - echo "deply to staging" - env when: event: - promote target: - staging - name: deploy-production # image: appleboy/drone-ssh image: alpine pull: if-not-exists settings: commands: - echo "deply to production" - env - echo "deply completed" when: event: - promote target: - production