/* * misc.h * * Created on: Sep 23, 2017 * Author: root */ #ifndef MISC_H_ #define MISC_H_ #include "common.h" #include "log.h" #include "network.h" const u32_t max_handshake_conn_num=10000; const u32_t max_ready_conn_num=1000; const u32_t anti_replay_window_size=4000; const int max_conv_num=10000; const u32_t client_handshake_timeout=5000;//unit ms const u32_t client_retry_interval=1000;//ms const u32_t server_handshake_timeout=client_handshake_timeout+5000;// this should be longer than clients. client retry initially ,server retry passtively const int conv_clear_ratio=10; //conv grabage collecter check 1/10 of all conv one time const int conn_clear_ratio=30; const int conv_clear_min=1; const int conn_clear_min=1; const u32_t conv_clear_interval=3000;//ms const u32_t conn_clear_interval=3000;//ms const i32_t max_fail_time=0;//disable const u32_t heartbeat_interval=1000;//ms const u32_t timer_interval=400;//ms. this should be smaller than heartbeat_interval and retry interval; const uint32_t conv_timeout=120000; //ms. 120 second //const u32_t conv_timeout=30000; //for test const u32_t client_conn_timeout=10000;//ms. const u32_t client_conn_uplink_timeout=client_conn_timeout+2000;//ms const uint32_t server_conn_timeout=conv_timeout+60000;//ms. this should be 60s+ longer than conv_timeout,so that conv_manager can destruct convs gradually,to avoid latency glicth //const u32_t server_conn_timeout=conv_timeout+10000;//for test const u32_t iptables_rule_keep_interval=15;//unit: second; enum server_current_state_t {server_idle=0,server_handshake1,server_ready}; //server state machine enum client_current_state_t {client_idle=0,client_tcp_handshake,client_handshake1,client_handshake2,client_ready};//client state machine enum raw_mode_t{mode_faketcp=0,mode_udp,mode_icmp,mode_end}; enum program_mode_t {unset_mode=0,client_mode,server_mode}; union current_state_t { server_current_state_t server_current_state; client_current_state_t client_current_state; }; extern char local_ip[100], remote_ip[100],source_ip[100];//local_ip is for -l option,remote_ip for -r option,source for --source-ip extern u32_t local_ip_uint32,remote_ip_uint32,source_ip_uint32;//convert from last line. extern int local_port , remote_port,source_port;//similiar to local_ip remote_ip,buf for port.source_port=0 indicates --source-port is not enabled extern int force_source_ip; //if --source-ip is enabled extern id_t const_id;//an id used for connection recovery,its generated randomly,it never change since its generated extern int udp_fd; //for client only. client use this fd to listen and handle udp connection extern int bind_fd; //bind only,never send or recv. its just a dummy fd for bind,so that other program wont occupy the same port extern int epollfd; //fd for epoll extern int timer_fd; //the general timer fd for client and server.for server this is not the only timer find,every connection has a timer fd. extern int fail_time_counter;//determine if the max_fail_time is reached extern int epoll_trigger_counter;//for debug only extern int debug_flag;//for debug only extern int simple_rule; //deprecated. extern int keep_rule; //whether to monitor the iptables rule periodly,re-add if losted extern int auto_add_iptables_rule;//if -a is set extern int generate_iptables_rule;//if -g is set extern int generate_iptables_rule_add;// if --gen-add is set extern int debug_resend; // debug only extern char key_string[1000];// -k option extern char fifo_file[1000]; extern raw_mode_t raw_mode; extern program_mode_t program_mode; extern unordered_map<int, const char*> raw_mode_tostring ; extern int about_to_exit; extern int socket_buf_size; extern int force_socket_buf; extern pthread_t keep_thread; extern int keep_thread_running; int process_lower_level_arg(); void print_help(); void iptables_rule(); void pre_process_arg(int argc, char *argv[]);//mainly for load conf file; int unit_test(); int set_timer(int epollfd,int &timer_fd); int set_timer_server(int epollfd,int &timer_fd,fd64_t &fd64); int handle_lower_level(raw_info_t &raw_info); int add_iptables_rule(const char *); int clear_iptables_rule(); int iptables_gen_add(const char * s,u32_t const_id); int iptables_rule_init(const char * s,u32_t const_id,int keep); int keep_iptables_rule(); void signal_handler(int sig); #endif /* MISC_H_ */