# UDPspeeder A Tunnel which Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction. When used alone, UDPspeeder improves only UDP connection. Nevertheless, if you used UDPspeeder + any UDP-based VPN together, you can improve any traffic(include TCP/UDP/ICMP), currently OpenVPN/L2TP/ShadowVPN are confirmed to be supported。 ![](/images/en/udpspeeder.PNG) or ![image_vpn](/images/en/udpspeeder+openvpn3.PNG) Assume your local network to your server is lossy. Just establish a VPN connection to your server with UDPspeeder + any UDP-based VPN, access your server via this VPN connection, then your connection quality will be significantly improved. With well-tuned parameters , you can easily reduce IP or UDP/ICMP packet-loss-rate to less than 0.01% . Besides reducing packet-loss-rate, UDPspeeder can also significantly improve your TCP latency and TCP single-thread download speed. [UDPspeeder Wiki](https://github.com/wangyu-/UDPspeeder/wiki) [简体中文](/doc/README.zh-cn.md)(内容更丰富) # Efficacy tested on a link with 100ms latency and 10% packet loss at both direction ### Ping Packet Loss ![](/images/en/ping_compare_mode1.png) ### SCP Copy Speed ![](/images/en/scp_compare2.PNG) # Supported Platforms Linux host (including desktop Linux,Android phone/tablet, OpenWRT router, or Raspberry PI). For Windows and MacOS You can run UDPspeeder inside [this](https://github.com/wangyu-/udp2raw-tunnel/releases/download/20171108.0/lede-17.01.2-x86_virtual_machine_image.zip) 7.5mb virtual machine image. # How does it work UDPspeeder uses FEC(Forward Error Correction) to reduce packet loss rate, at the cost of addtional bandwidth. The algorithm for FEC is called Reed-Solomon. ![image0](/images/en/fec.PNG) ### Reed-Solomon ` In coding theory, the Reed–Solomon code belongs to the class of non-binary cyclic error-correcting codes. The Reed–Solomon code is based on univariate polynomials over finite fields. ` ` It is able to detect and correct multiple symbol errors. By adding t check symbols to the data, a Reed–Solomon code can detect any combination of up to t erroneous symbols, or correct up to ⌊t/2⌋ symbols. As an erasure code, it can correct up to t known erasures, or it can detect and correct combinations of errors and erasures. Reed–Solomon codes are also suitable as multiple-burst bit-error correcting codes, since a sequence of b + 1 consecutive bit errors can affect at most two symbols of size b. The choice of t is up to the designer of the code, and may be selected within wide limits. ` ![](/images/en/rs.png) Check wikipedia for more info, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed–Solomon_error_correction # Getting Started ### Installing Download binary release from https://github.com/wangyu-/UDPspeeder/releases ### Running (improves UDP traffic only) Assume your server ip is, you have a service listening on udp port 7777. ```bash # Run at server side: ./speederv2 -s -l0.0.0.0:4096 -r -f20:10 -k "passwd" # Run at client side ./speederv2 -c -l0.0.0.0:3333 -r44.55.66.77:4096 -f20:10 -k "passwd" ``` Now connecting to UDP port 3333 at the client side is equivalent to connecting to port 7777 at the server side, and the connection has been boosted by UDPspeeder. ##### Note `-f20:10` means sending 10 redundant packets for every 20 original packets. `-k` enables simple XOR encryption # Improves all traffic with OpenVPN + UDPspeeder See [UDPspeeder + openvpn config guide](https://github.com/wangyu-/UDPspeeder/wiki/UDPspeeder-openvpn-config-guide). # wiki Check wiki for more info: https://github.com/wangyu-/UDPspeeder/wiki # Related repo You can also try tinyfecVPN, a lightweight high-performance VPN with UDPspeeder's function built-in. tinyfecVPN's repo: https://github.com/wangyu-/tinyfecVPN You can use udp2raw with UDPspeeder together to get better speed on some ISP with UDP QoS(UDP throttling). udp2raw's repo: https://github.com/wangyu-/udp2raw-tunnel