cc_cross=/home/wangyu/Desktop/arm-2014.05/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++ cc_local=g++ cc_mips24kc_be=/toolchains/lede-sdk-17.01.2-ar71xx-generic_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_24kc_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16/bin/mips-openwrt-linux-musl-g++ cc_mips24kc_le=/toolchains/lede-sdk-17.01.2-ramips-mt7621_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64/staging_dir/toolchain-mipsel_24kc_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16/bin/mipsel-openwrt-linux-musl-g++ cc_arm= /toolchains/lede-sdk-17.01.2-bcm53xx_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16_eabi.Linux-x86_64/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_cortex-a9_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16_eabi/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-c++ cc_mingw_cross=i686-w64-mingw32-g++-posix cc_mac_cross=o64-clang++ -stdlib=libc++ cc_x86=/toolchains/lede-sdk-17.01.2-x86-generic_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64/staging_dir/toolchain-i386_pentium4_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16/bin/i486-openwrt-linux-c++ cc_amd64=/toolchains/lede-sdk-17.01.2-x86-64_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16.Linux-x86_64/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.16/bin/x86_64-openwrt-linux-c++ #cc_bcm2708=/home/wangyu/raspberry/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ SOURCES0=main.cpp log.cpp common.cpp lib/fec.cpp lib/rs.cpp packet.cpp delay_manager.cpp fd_manager.cpp connection.cpp fec_manager.cpp misc.cpp tunnel_client.cpp tunnel_server.cpp SOURCES=${SOURCES0} my_ev.cpp -isystem libev NAME=speederv2 FLAGS= -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers ${OPT} TARGETS=amd64 arm mips24kc_be x86 mips24kc_le TAR=${NAME}_binaries.tar.gz `echo ${TARGETS}|sed -r 's/([^ ]+)/${NAME}_\1/g'` version.txt export STAGING_DIR=/tmp/ #just for supress warning of staging_dir not define # targets for nativei (non-cross) compile all:git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -ggdb -static -O2 freebsd:git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -ggdb -static -O2 mingw:git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -ggdb -static -O2 -lws2_32 mingw_wepoll:git_version #to compile you need a pacthed version of libev with wepoll backend rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES0} ${FLAGS} -ggdb -static -O2 -DNO_LIBEV_EMBED -D_WIN32 -lev -lws2_32 mac:git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -ggdb -O2 cygwin:git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -ggdb -static -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE #targes for general cross compile cross:git_version ${cc_cross} -o ${NAME}_cross -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -O2 cross2:git_version ${cc_cross} -o ${NAME}_cross -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -static -lgcc_eh -O2 cross3:git_version ${cc_cross} -o ${NAME}_cross -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -static -O2 #targets only for debug purpose fast: git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -ggdb debug: git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -Wformat-nonliteral -D MY_DEBUG -ggdb debug2: git_version rm -f ${NAME} ${cc_local} -o ${NAME} -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -Wformat-nonliteral -ggdb #targets only for 'make release' mips24kc_be: git_version ${cc_mips24kc_be} -o ${NAME}_$@ -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -lgcc_eh -static -O2 mips24kc_le: git_version ${cc_mips24kc_le} -o ${NAME}_$@ -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -lgcc_eh -static -O2 amd64:git_version ${cc_amd64} -o ${NAME}_$@ -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -static -O2 -lgcc_eh -ggdb x86:git_version #to build this you need 'g++-multilib' installed ${cc_x86} -o ${NAME}_$@ -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -static -O2 -lgcc_eh -ggdb arm:git_version ${cc_arm} -o ${NAME}_$@ -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -lrt -static -O2 -lgcc_eh release: ${TARGETS} cp git_version.h version.txt tar -zcvf ${TAR} #targets for cross compile windows targets on linux mingw_cross:git_version #to build this and the below one you need 'mingw-w64' installed (the cross compile version on linux) ${cc_mingw_cross} -o ${NAME}.exe -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -ggdb -static -O2 -lws2_32 mingw_cross_wepoll:git_version #to compile you need a pacthed version of libev with wepoll backend installed ${cc_mingw_cross} -o ${NAME}_wepoll.exe -I. ${SOURCES0} ${FLAGS} -ggdb -static -O2 -DNO_LIBEV_EMBED -D_WIN32 -lev -lws2_32 #targets for cross compile macos targets on linux mac_cross:git_version #need to install 'osxcross' first. ${cc_mac_cross} -o ${NAME}_mac -I. ${SOURCES} ${FLAGS} -ggdb -O2 #release2 includes all binary in 'release' plus win and mac cross compile targets release2: ${TARGETS} mingw_cross mingw_cross_wepoll mac_cross cp git_version.h version.txt tar -zcvf ${TAR} ${NAME}.exe ${NAME}_wepoll.exe ${NAME}_mac clean: rm -f ${TAR} rm -f ${NAME} ${NAME}_cross ${NAME}.exe ${NAME}_wepoll.exe ${NAME}_mac rm -f git_version.h git_version: echo "const char *gitversion = \"$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)\";" > git_version.h