Basics: macros?

This commit is contained in:
Marco Hinz 2016-01-18 14:38:53 +01:00
parent c06ada579b
commit 35e2c4153c
2 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Basics: [Changelist? Jumplist?](
- Basics: [Sessions?](
- Basics: [Folding?](
- Basics: [Macros?](
- Commands: [:redir](
- Tips: [Saner command-line history](
- Tips: [Reload a file on saving](

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ added every day. Things about to be added can be found here:
- [Autocmds?](#autocmds)
- [Changelist? Jumplist?](#changelist-jumplist)
- [Quickfix and location lists?](#quickfix-and-location-lists)
- [Macros?](#macros)
- [Colorschemes?](#colorschemes)
- [Folding?](#folding)
- [Sessions?](#sessions)
@ -622,6 +623,64 @@ list.
Assuming any files contained the string "foo", it should be shown now in the
quickfix window.
#### Macros?
Vim allows _recording_ typed characters into a [register](#registers). It's a
great way to automate certain tasks on the fly. (For more elaborate tasks, [Vim
scripting](#vim-scripting) should be used instead.)
- Start recording by typing `q` followed by the register, e.g. `q`. (The
command-line will signify this via "recording @q".)
- Stop recording by by hitting `q` once again.
- Execute the macro via `[count]@q`.
- Repeat the last used macro via `[count]@@`.
**Example 1:**
Insert a line and repeat it 10 times:
(The same could be done without registers: `oabc<esc>10.`)
**Example 2:**
For adding line numbers in front of all lines, start on the first line and add
"1. " to it manually. Increment the number under the cursor by using `<c-a>`,
displayed as `^A`.
0yf jP0^A
Here we simply hope that the file doesn't contain more than 1000 lines when
using `1000@q`, but we can also use a _recursive macro_, which executes until
the macro can't be applied to a line anymore:
0yf jP0^A@q
Also see: [Quickly edit your macros](#quickly-edit-your-macros)
Related help:
:h recording`
:h 'lazyredraw'
#### Colorschemes?
Colorschemes are the way to style your Vim. Vim consists of many components and