#!/bin/sh # alias ​​settings must be global, and must be defined before the function being called with the alias if [ "$USE_IPTABLES_NFT_BACKEND" = 1 ]; then alias iptables=iptables-nft alias iptables-save=iptables-nft-save alias ip6tables=ip6tables-nft alias ip6tables-save=ip6tables-nft-save fi info() { local green='\e[0;32m' local clear='\e[0m' local time=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %T') printf "${green}[${time}] [INFO]: ${clear}%s\n" "$*" } warn() { local yellow='\e[1;33m' local clear='\e[0m' local time=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %T') printf "${yellow}[${time}] [WARN]: ${clear}%s\n" "$*" >&2 } error() { local red='\e[0;31m' local clear='\e[0m' local time=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %T') printf "${red}[${time}] [ERROR]: ${clear}%s\n" "$*" >&2 } _get_default_iface() { ip -4 route show default | awk -F 'dev' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' } _get_default6_iface() { ip -6 route show default | awk -F 'dev' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' } _get_addr_by_iface() { ip -4 addr show dev "$1" | grep -w "inet" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | head -1 } _get_addr6_by_iface() { ip -6 addr show dev "$1" | grep -w "inet6" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | head -1 } _check_rule_by_comment() { iptables-save | grep -q "$1" } _check_rule6_by_comment() { ip6tables-save | grep -q "$1" } _is_server_mode() { [ "$1" = "phantun-server" ] } _is_ipv4_only() { case "$@" in *-4*|*--ipv4-only*) return 0 ;; *\ -4*|*\ --ipv4-only*) return 0 ;; esac return 1 } _get_tun_from_args() { local tun=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '--tun' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') echo ${tun:=tun0} } _get_peer_from_args() { local peer=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '--tun-peer' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') _is_server_mode "$1" && echo ${peer:=} || echo ${peer:=} } _get_peer6_from_args() { local peer=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '--tun-peer6' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') _is_server_mode "$1" && echo ${peer:=fcc9::2} || echo ${peer:=fcc8::2} } _get_port_from_args() { local value=$(echo "$@" | awk -F '-l|--local' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') _is_server_mode "$1" && echo $value || echo $value | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' } _iptables() { iptables -w 10 "$@" } _ip6tables() { ip6tables -w 10 "$@" } apply_sysctl() { info "apply sysctl: $(sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1)" ! _is_ipv4_only "$@" || return info "apply sysctl: $(sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1)" } apply_iptables() { local interface=$(_get_default_iface) local address=$(_get_addr_by_iface "${interface}") local tun=$(_get_tun_from_args "$@") local peer=$(_get_peer_from_args "$@") local port=$(_get_port_from_args "$@") local comment="phantun_${tun}_${port}" if _check_rule_by_comment "${comment}"; then warn "iptables rules already exist, maybe needs to check." else _iptables -A FORWARD -i $tun -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "iptables filter rule add failed." _iptables -A FORWARD -o $tun -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "iptables filter rule add failed." if _is_server_mode "$1"; then info "iptables DNAT rule added: [${comment}]: ${interface} -> ${tun}, ${address} -> ${peer}" _iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i $interface --dport $port -j DNAT --to-destination $peer \ -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "iptables DNAT rule add failed." else info "iptables SNAT rule added: [${comment}]: ${tun} -> ${interface}, ${peer} -> ${address}" _iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $peer -o $interface -j SNAT --to-source $address \ -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "iptables SNAT rule add failed." fi fi } apply_ip6tables() { ! _is_ipv4_only "$@" || return local interface=$(_get_default6_iface) local address=$(_get_addr6_by_iface "${interface}") local tun=$(_get_tun_from_args "$@") local peer=$(_get_peer6_from_args "$@") local port=$(_get_port_from_args "$@") local comment="phantun_${tun}_${port}" if _check_rule6_by_comment "${comment}"; then warn "ip6tables rules already exist, maybe needs to check." else _ip6tables -A FORWARD -i $tun -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "ip6tables filter rule add failed." _ip6tables -A FORWARD -o $tun -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "ip6tables filter rule add failed." if _is_server_mode "$1"; then info "ip6tables DNAT rule added: [${comment}]: ${interface} -> ${tun}, ${address} -> ${peer}" _ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i $interface --dport $port -j DNAT --to-destination $peer \ -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "ip6tables DNAT rule add failed." else info "ip6tables SNAT rule added: [${comment}]: ${tun} -> ${interface}, ${peer} -> ${address}" _ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $peer -o $interface -j SNAT --to-source $address \ -m comment --comment "${comment}" || error "ip6tables SNAT rule add failed." fi fi } stop_process() { kill $(pidof phantun-server phantun-client) info "terminate phantun process." } revoke_iptables() { local tun=$(_get_tun_from_args "$@") local port=$(_get_port_from_args "$@") local comment="phantun_${tun}_${port}" iptables-save -t filter | grep "${comment}" | while read rule; do _iptables -t filter ${rule/-A/-D} || error "iptables filter rule remove failed." done iptables-save -t nat | grep "${comment}" | while read rule; do _iptables -t nat ${rule/-A/-D} || error "iptables nat rule remove failed." done info "iptables rule: [${comment}] removed." } revoke_ip6tables() { ! _is_ipv4_only "$@" || return local tun=$(_get_tun_from_args "$@") local port=$(_get_port_from_args "$@") local comment="phantun_${tun}_${port}" ip6tables-save -t filter | grep "${comment}" | while read rule; do _ip6tables -t filter ${rule/-A/-D} || error "ip6tables filter rule remove failed." done ip6tables-save -t nat | grep "${comment}" | while read rule; do _ip6tables -t nat ${rule/-A/-D} || error "ip6tables nat rule remove failed." done info "ip6tables rule: [${comment}] removed." } graceful_stop() { warn "caught SIGTERM or SIGINT signal, graceful stopping..." stop_process revoke_iptables "$@" revoke_ip6tables "$@" } start_phantun() { trap 'graceful_stop "$@"' SIGTERM SIGINT apply_sysctl "$@" apply_iptables "$@" apply_ip6tables "$@" "$@" & wait } start_phantun "$@"