#!/bin/sh if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; fi mkdir /data 2>/dev/null >/dev/null RANDOM=$(printf "%d" "0x$(head -c4 /dev/urandom | od -t x1 -An | tr -d ' ')") if [ -z "$WORKERS" ]; then WORKERS=1 fi SECRET_CMD="" if [ ! -z "$SECRET" ]; then echo "[+] Using the explicitly passed secret: '$SECRET'." elif [ -f /data/secret ]; then SECRET="$(cat /data/secret)" echo "[+] Using the secret in /data/secret: '$SECRET'." else if [[ ! -z "$SECRET_COUNT" ]]; then if [[ "$SECRET_COUNT" -le 1 || "$SECRET_COUNT" -ge 16 ]]; then echo "[F] Can generate between 1 and 16 secrets." exit 5 fi else SECRET_COUNT="1" fi echo "[+] No secret passed. Will generate $SECRET_COUNT random ones." SECRET="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2>&1 | od -tx1 | head -n1 | tail -c +9 | tr -d ' ')" for pass in $(seq 2 $SECRET_COUNT); do SECRET="$SECRET,$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2>&1 | od -tx1 | head -n1 | tail -c +9 | tr -d ' ')" done fi if echo "$SECRET" | grep -qE '^[0-9a-fA-F]{32}(,[0-9a-fA-F]{32}){0,15}$'; then SECRET="$(echo "$SECRET" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" SECRET_CMD="-S $(echo "$SECRET" | sed 's/,/ -S /g')" echo -- "$SECRET_CMD" > /data/secret_cmd echo "$SECRET" > /data/secret else echo '[F] Bad secret format: should be 32 hex chars (for 16 bytes) for every secret; secrets should be comma-separated.' exit 1 fi if [ ! -z "$TAG" ]; then echo "[+] Using the explicitly passed tag: '$TAG'." fi TAG_CMD="" if [[ ! -z "$TAG" ]]; then if echo "$TAG" | grep -qE '^[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$'; then TAG="$(echo "$TAG" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" TAG_CMD="-P $TAG" else echo '[!] Bad tag format: should be 32 hex chars (for 16 bytes).' echo '[!] Continuing.' fi fi REMOTE_CONFIG=/data/proxy-multi.conf curl -s https://core.telegram.org/getProxyConfig -o ${REMOTE_CONFIG} || { echo '[F] Cannot download proxy configuration from Telegram servers.' exit 2 } REMOTE_SECRET=/data/proxy-secret curl -s https://core.telegram.org/getProxySecret -o ${REMOTE_SECRET} || { echo '[F] Cannot download proxy secret from Telegram servers.' exit 5 } if [ ! -z "$EXTERNAL_IP" ]; then echo "[+] Using the explicitly passed external IP: ${EXTERNAL_IP}." else EXTERNAL_IP="$(curl -s -4 "ipv4.icanhazip.com")" if [[ -z "$EXTERNAL_IP" ]]; then echo "[F] Cannot determine external IP address." exit 3 else echo "[+] Using the detected external IP: ${EXTERNAL_IP}." fi fi if [ ! -z "$INTERNAL_IP" ]; then echo "[+] Using the explicitly passed internal IP: ${INTERNAL_IP}." else INTERNAL_IP="$(ip -4 route get | grep '^8\.8\.8\.8\s' | grep -Eo 'src\s+\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' | awk '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "$INTERNAL_IP" ]]; then echo "[F] Cannot determine internal IP address." exit 4 else echo "[+] Using the detected internal IP: ${INTERNAL_IP}." fi fi echo "[*] Final configuration:" I=1 echo "$SECRET" | tr ',' '\n' | while read S; do echo "[*] Secret $I: $S" echo "[*] tg:// link for secret $I auto configuration: tg://proxy?server=${EXTERNAL_IP}&port=443&secret=${S}" echo "[*] t.me link for secret $I: https://t.me/proxy?server=${EXTERNAL_IP}&port=443&secret=${S}" I=$(($I+1)) done [ ! -z "$TAG" ] && echo "[*] Tag: $TAG" || echo "[*] Tag: no tag" echo "[*] External IP: ${EXTERNAL_IP}" echo "[*] Make sure to fix the links in case you run the proxy on a different port." echo echo '[+] Starting proxy...' sleep 1 # start mtproto-proxy exec mtproto-proxy "$@" --aes-pwd ${REMOTE_SECRET} --user root ${REMOTE_CONFIG} --nat-info "$INTERNAL_IP:$EXTERNAL_IP" ${SECRET_CMD} ${TAG_CMD}