#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Auto install KMS Server # System Required: CentOS 6+, Debian7+, Ubuntu12+ # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Teddysun <i@teddysun.com> # URL: https://teddysun.com/530.html # # Thanks: https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd # red='\033[0;31m' green='\033[0;32m' yellow='\033[0;33m' plain='\033[0m' cur_dir=$(pwd) [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "${red}Error:${plain} This script must be run as root!" && exit 1 if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then release="centos" elif grep -Eqi "debian" /etc/issue; then release="debian" elif grep -Eqi "ubuntu" /etc/issue; then release="ubuntu" elif grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat" /etc/issue; then release="centos" elif grep -Eqi "debian" /proc/version; then release="debian" elif grep -Eqi "ubuntu" /proc/version; then release="ubuntu" elif grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat" /proc/version; then release="centos" else release="" fi boot_start(){ if [[ x"${release}" == x"debian" || x"${release}" == x"ubuntu" ]]; then update-rc.d -f "${1}" defaults elif [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then chkconfig --add "${1}" chkconfig "${1}" on fi } boot_stop(){ if [[ x"${release}" == x"debian" || x"${release}" == x"ubuntu" ]]; then update-rc.d -f "${1}" remove elif [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then chkconfig "${1}" off chkconfig --del "${1}" fi } # Get version getversion(){ if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]]; then grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release else grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue fi } # CentOS version centosversion(){ if [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then local code=$1 local version="$(getversion)" local main_ver=${version%%.*} if [ "$main_ver" == "$code" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi } get_opsy() { [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && awk '{print ($1,$3~/^[0-9]/?$3:$4)}' /etc/redhat-release && return [ -f /etc/os-release ] && awk -F'[= "]' '/PRETTY_NAME/{print $3,$4,$5}' /etc/os-release && return [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && awk -F'[="]+' '/DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release && return } get_char() { SAVEDSTTY=$(stty -g) stty -echo stty cbreak dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null stty -raw stty echo stty "$SAVEDSTTY" } set_firewall() { if centosversion 6; then /etc/init.d/iptables status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then iptables -L -n | grep -i 1688 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 1688 -j ACCEPT /etc/init.d/iptables save /etc/init.d/iptables restart fi else echo -e "${yellow}Warning:${plain} iptables looks like shutdown or not installed, please enable port 1688 manually set if necessary." fi elif centosversion 7; then systemctl status firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=1688/tcp firewall-cmd --reload else echo -e "${yellow}Warning:${plain} firewalld looks like shutdown or not installed, please enable port 1688 manually set if necessary." fi fi } install_main() { [ -f /usr/bin/vlmcsd ] && echo -e "${yellow}Warning:${plain} KMS Server is already installed. nothing to do..." && exit 1 clear opsy=$( get_opsy ) arch=$( uname -m ) lbit=$( getconf LONG_BIT ) kern=$( uname -r ) echo "---------- System Information ----------" echo " OS : $opsy" echo " Arch : $arch ($lbit Bit)" echo " Kernel : $kern" echo "----------------------------------------" echo " Auto install KMS Server" echo echo " URL: https://teddysun.com/530.html" echo "----------------------------------------" echo echo "Press any key to start...or Press Ctrl+C to cancel" char=$(get_char) if [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then yum -y install gcc git make nss curl libcurl if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/kms https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddysun/across/master/kms; then echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to download KMS Server script." exit 1 fi elif [[ x"${release}" == x"debian" || x"${release}" == x"ubuntu" ]]; then apt-get -y update apt-get install gcc git make libnss3 curl libcurl3-nss if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/kms https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddysun/across/master/kms-debian; then echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to download KMS Server script." exit 1 fi else echo -e "${red}Error:${plain} OS is not be supported, please change to CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu and try again." exit 1 fi cd "${cur_dir}" || exit git clone https://github.com/teddysun/vlmcsd.git > /dev/null 2>&1 [ -d vlmcsd ] && cd vlmcsd || echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to git clone vlmcsd." make if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}Error:${plain} Install KMS Server failed, please check it and try again." exit 1 fi cp -p bin/vlmcsd /usr/bin/ chmod 755 /usr/bin/vlmcsd chmod 755 /etc/init.d/kms boot_start kms /etc/init.d/kms start if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}Error:${plain} KMS server start failed." fi if [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then set_firewall fi cd "${cur_dir}" || exit rm -rf vlmcsd echo echo "Install KMS Server success" echo "Welcome to visit:https://teddysun.com/530.html" echo "Enjoy it!" echo } install_kms() { install_main 2>&1 | tee "${cur_dir}"/install_kms.log } # Uninstall KMS Server uninstall_kms() { printf "Are you sure uninstall KMS Server? (y/n) " printf "\n" read -p "(Default: n):" answer [ -z "${answer}" ] && answer="n" if [ "${answer}" == "y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "Y" ]; then /etc/init.d/kms status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /etc/init.d/kms stop fi boot_stop kms # delete kms server rm -f /usr/bin/vlmcsd rm -f /etc/init.d/kms rm -f /var/log/vlmcsd.log echo "KMS Server uninstall success" else echo echo "Uninstall cancelled, nothing to do..." echo fi } # Initialization step action=$1 [ -z "$1" ] && action=install case "$action" in install|uninstall) ${action}_kms ;; *) echo "Arguments error! [${action}]" echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [install|uninstall]" ;; esac